Alice Harwood

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Emotional Intelligence, Speaking, Spirituality
HeartMath® Certified Trainer, HeartMath® Certified Trainer
Activating the Heart of Teams™, HeartMath® Certified Trainer Program

Hi! My name is Alice Harwood and I grew up traveling and attending schools abroad. I gained a great appreciation for different cultures, alternative perspectives and recognized universal connectivity throughout my experiences.

In 1999, I settled in Vermont to raise my family. I received my Masters degree in Education through SNHU, and worked in both public and school libraries. Here I built strong relationships, a love of reading and imagining, and shared self-empowerment strategies to provide a strong foundation for all other learning.

In 2012, I became a Certified HeartMath® Trainer and additionally trained and worked closely with many energy healers, including Deena Zalkind Spear, Dr. Bradley Nelson, Alison David-Bird, Donna Eden & David Feinstein, among others. I served as president for the ASD Living Waters Chapter of Dowsers for four years.

I currently serve as the Executive Director of S.P.A.C.E, Inc. (a 501(c)3 nonprofit featuring spiritual, practical, artistic, creative education, established in 2013 in Chester, VT.

German, English
United States