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Doctor of Physical Therapy, Transformational Health Coach
Conscious Business, Health & Wellness, Leadership
HeartMath® Certified Trainer, HeartMath® Certified Practitioner, HeartMath® Certified Mentor/Coach, HeartMath® Certified Trainer
Activating the Heart of Teams™, HeartMath® Clinical Certification for Stress, Anxiety and Self Regulation, HeartMath® Coach Mentor Program, HeartMath® Certified Trainer Program
I am a Doctor of Physical Therapy and Human Performance Expert, who has transitioned away from health care after 23 years and now working in a coaching and consulting role with clients to reclaim their health and vitality after a burn out or life altering change. HeartMath science and techniques have played a significant role in my success with clients. Regulation provides the opportunity to choose an upgrade from our own internal operating system. Every person, family. organization, etc has a subconscious patterning that requires upgrading for sustainable change to take place. I am grateful for the tools and science of HeartMath in supporting the work I do with my clients, and the shift from a world driven by fear to one guided by LOVE.
United States
Carpenter COR Health, LLC
New York