Catia Carrier

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Registered Psychotherapist, Trauma Therapist, and Energy Healer, Heart Math Certified Practitioner with over 23 years experience in the field of trauma and mental and emotional health. Specializing in trauma healing, post traumatic stress, and First Nations mental health.
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Masters in Counseling Psychology, MA Registered Psychotherapist, CRPO
Emotional Intelligence, Psychology, Trauma
Trauma-Sensitive HeartMath® Certified Practitioner
The Resilient Heart™

I’m a licensed Psychotherapist and have over 23 years of experience with healing trauma. I am confident in providing intuitive energy psychology and psychotherapy on your journey toward healing your heart, self-discovery of inner doctoring, and reaching your highest potential of connecting with your inner energy healing systems. 

Since opening the doors of my practice, I've provided patients in Northern Ontario with a wide range of psychological services, trauma recovery, and holistic healing. Life can be overwhelming and sometimes even exhausting with trauma, but I’m here to guide you through any obstacles you may face. My goal is to help you understand yourself more deeply to better cope with change, experiences of trauma and promote Heart Math healing pathways within.

Majestic Professional Consulting Services