Cheri Fredrickson

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Hi! I've been a coach and trainer since 1991. I have changed focus a couple of times over the years, moving from personal development to leadership development. Now I'm shifting again to focus on stress and well-being. I am excited to be doing this work, as I see such a need, and I appreciate having the HeartMath tools, which are so powerful.
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Certified Professional Coach, MBTI Certified Trainer, Canfield Certified Trainer, Usui Reiki Master, Psych-K Certified Facilitator, Nia Brown Belt Teacher
Conscious Business, Corporate Training, Health & Wellness
HeartMath® Certified Mentor, HeartMath® Certified Mentor/Coach, HeartMath® Certified Trainer, HeartMath® Certified Trainer, HeartMath® Certified Trainer
Building Personal Resilience™, HeartMath® Coach Mentor Program, HeartMath® Certified Trainer Program, Resilience Advantage™ HeartMath Certified Trainer Program, Coherence Advantage™ HeartMath Certified Trainer Program

I came to study HeartMath because my fitness tracker was telling me I was over-stressed. Not a huge surprise, given what was happening in my life. It concerned me, though. We've all heard a lot about the health impacts of too much stress. My own stress was affecting the quality of my sleep, I had put on extra weight, and I found that I had a shorter fuse than normal.  I wanted to address all of those things and HeartMath seemed like a good option for doing that.

I'm happy to say that I have experienced a positive impact in all of those areas. My deep sleep has increased by an average of about 30 minutes per night, I've lost two full dress sizes and I'm back to being much more patient with what is happening around me. Woo hoo!

In addition to my own learning, going through the Mentor/Coach program alerted me to the impact of too much stress in organizations. This was something I hadn't given a great deal of thought to before. I knew there was some impact, but I didn't realize how much.

Given the work I've done with business leaders, I felt that becoming both a coach and trainer would be beneficial for bringing these tools to the workplace. I'm excited to be offering these tools through individual coaching, public classes, and in-house training for workgroups.

Please reach out to me if you'd like to discuss how HeartMath training or coaching could be beneficial to you or your organization.

I look forward to talking with you.


United States
The Transformative Leader, LLC