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A dynamic entrepreneur, best-selling author, and accomplished keynote speaker, Karishma Desai brings a diverse skillset to her role as the founder of Breathe Your Vision. Karishma is a certified HeartMath® trainer, wellness coach, and breathwork instructor, with over two decades of experience in Heartfulness meditation.
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Coherence Coach, Emotional Resilience Coach and Certified Stress and Wellbeing Assesment Provider
Corporate Training, Employee Wellness, Leadership
HeartMath® Certified Trainer, HeartMath® Certified Trainer, HeartMath® Certified Trainer
HeartMath® Certified Trainer Program, Resilience Advantage™ HeartMath Certified Trainer Program, Coherence Advantage™ HeartMath Certified Trainer Program

A dynamic entrepreneur, best-selling author, and accomplished keynote speaker, Karishma Desai brings a diverse skillset to her role as the founder of Breathe Your Vision. Karishma is a certified HeartMath® trainer, wellness coach, and breathwork instructor, with over two decades of experience in Heartfulness meditation.

Karishma offers bespoke coaching programs designed for change agents, heart-centered women, and conscious leaders. Her goal is to provide clients with the tools they need to optimize their transformation journey and maintain peak performance without succumbing to burnout.

Karishma's workshops deliver effective strategies for tapping into one's fullest potential. She employs coherence-building tools, breathwork techniques, and a suite of proven high-efficiency methodologies to ensure her clients are equipped to navigate the path to success.

Breathe Your Vision
New South Wales