Maria Marcu

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Je suis une praticienne en naturopathie holistique dévouée au bien-être, animée par une passion profonde pour guider les individus vers une vie équilibrée et harmonieuse. Mon parcours a débuté en pharmacie d’officine et après 15 années de carrière, un burn-out et l’accouchement de ma fille, j'ai opéré une transition vers une approche holistique de la santé et du bien-être. J'ai pris conscience de l'importance de traiter non seulement la santé physique, mais aussi les aspects émotionnels, énergétiques et spirituels pour atteindre une véritable vitalité.
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Pharm.D Holistic Naturopath
Health & Wellness, Personal Development, Spirituality
HeartMath® Certified Practitioner, Trauma-Sensitive HeartMath® Certified Practitioner
HeartMath® Clinical Certification for Stress, Anxiety and Self Regulation, The Resilient Heart™

Maria Marcu, your holistic wellness practitioner:

I am a holistic practitioner dedicated to wellness, driven by a deep passion for guiding individuals towards a balanced and harmonious life. My journey began in the field of pharmacy and was marked by an in-depth exploration of active cellular nutrition.

After a decade of experience in the pharmaceutical field, I transitioned to a holistic approach to health and wellness. I became aware of the importance of addressing not only physical health but also emotional, energetic, and spiritual aspects to achieve true vitality.

My mission is to guide individuals towards a balanced and fulfilling life, despite challenges and constraints. By intertwining various complementary methods, including energy psychology such as EFT, heart coherence, and the HeartMath techniques, I empower clients to rediscover purpose and harmony.

 As a certified practitioner, I leverage HeartMath to enhance emotional intelligence and resilience. By blending HeartMath's wisdom with my extensive holistic toolkit, I help clients navigate life's intricacies and embrace holistic well-being.

In choosing my guidance, you're opting for a compassionate partner in your journey towards vitality, serenity, and holistic empowerment. Let's collaborate to unlock your true potential and embrace a life of balance and fulfillment.


English, French, Romanian