Tania Davies

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Tania Davies is The Success SLOW Coach™ - a highly motivated strategic thinker, communicator, therapist, and consultant on a mission to help individuals and businesses better understand the future of productivity and wellbeing. She also has a soft spot for a cuppa tea and meaningful conversations around the campfire. Tania Davies has Degree in Business Management, a Master’s in Marketing and 20+ years’ experience in positive psychology and wellbeing, mindset transformation, resilience, strategic communications, sales, and marketing. Tania Davies is the Owner and Director of the Mindful Impact™ Wellness Hub where she coaches clients in her capacity as a Clinical Hypnotherapist, Psychotherapist and Master of Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP). She is passionate about guiding busy professionals, struggling with overwhelm, anxiety and stress, on how to achieve more without the constant busy. Tania’s journey to becoming The Success SLOW Coach™ has seen success and failure, delivering fascinating insights and empowering lessons. These learnings form the foundation of her transformational slow leadership approach in coaching and training both organisations and individuals, looking to prioritise the wellbeing of their staff and business. Tania Davies now successfully guides busy professionals struggling with issues such as overwhelm, anxiety, burnout and stress, to confidently achieve more without the need for constant busyness.
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CCHt, DHypCoun, MPNLP, MNLPC, MMktg, BMgmt
Corporate Training, Health & Wellness, Professional Coaching
HeartMath® Certified Practitioner
HeartMath® Clinical Certification for Stress, Anxiety and Self Regulation

My mission is to bring practical, evidence-based transformational Slow Leadership training, coaching and consulting to organisations and individuals that realise there is a better way.

My experience in a broad range of industries within the private and public sectors, both in Australia and internationally, allows me to better understand where my clients are coming from and tailor solutions to help them achieve greater productivity and balance.

The skills I have acquired over the years, cover many areas such as high performance coaching, strategic marketing and communications, clinical hypnotherapy, psychotherapy, NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming), enhanced cognitive behavioural therapy (eCBT), public relations, project management, stakeholder engagement, event management, change management, sales and negotiations, digital and social media management and professional speaking.

I am an experienced professional speaker, consultant, coach, trainer and therapist focused on practical and workable solutions to meet the needs of your workplace.

I am also the owner and Director of the Mindful Impact Wellness Hub™ in the Adelaide Hills.  Hypnotherapy, otherwise known as an Altered State of Consciousness, has been a part of my life since I was a child. I have used it to great effect in all areas of my life professionally, personally, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. My deep understanding of trance and the mind body connection allows me to work directly with my audience’s mindset to help them achieve their goals in all areas of life with greater efficiency.  

Mindful Impact
South Australia