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Today, Amanda lives in Wabasha, MN. She graduated from Liberty University with a doctorate in Pastoral Counseling. She captioned her personal and professional journey of recovery by writing a dissertation via meta-synthesis with the aim of developing a working theory of religiously accommodating complementary therapies for complex and attachment trauma Her dissertation topic was, “The New Age of Christian Spirituality and Healing: A Meta-Synthesis Exploring the Efficacy of Complementary Therapies for Adult Survivors of Familial Trauma."
Students can also join Dr. Brees in person in Wabasha, MN for low-residency training to supplement their work in the online course. Locals are welcome to meet Dr. Brees at her office in Plainview for personalized pastoral counseling sessions. Her specialties include complicated grief, insecure attachment injury, codependency, and motherhood issues. Check out her free mini-course to learn more about her work and start your own recovery journey today!