Lee Bladon

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Hi, I’m Lee Bladon, and I help people to Heal, Grow, Awaken and Thrive. I am passionate about helping people to achieve life-changing results by guiding and supporting them on their personal journey of self-discovery, healing and empowerment. This is a progressive journey towards wholeness and wellbeing. It’s not a one or two session quick fix, although it is faster and more effective than conventional approaches. Working with me can help you to break free from old limiting patterns, change how you feel about yourself, align with your true purpose, and transform your life. So, how do you want to Heal, Grow, Awaken and Thrive?
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Somatic Therapist & Anxiety Coach
Emotional Intelligence, Personal Development, Spirituality
Trauma-Sensitive HeartMath® Certified Practitioner
The Resilient Heart™

My personal development journey started in 1999, when I realised how shallow and unfulfilling modern life was. I say “was” because it’s very different now, but it took me a while to get here because I didn’t know what I was doing back then! I naively thought I could find what I was looking for through knowledge and my mind, but none of that changed who I was. It took me 10 years to realise that if I wanted deep transformational change, I need to go deeper into my consciousness. I needed to get out of my head and feel down into my heart (where emotions live) and into my belly (where repressed emotions are buried). And that’s when the real transformations began. When I started feeling into my “stuff” instead of just thinking about it, it all started to unpack, heal and reintegrate. I began to feel whole, happy, peaceful and fulfilled, instead of anxious, insecure and flat. In short, I was transformed and so was my life!

I have been helping people with self-discovery, personal development and spiritual growth since 2017. I am based in Grantham, Lincolnshire, England, but I primarily work online, via Zoom, with people all around the world.

United Kingdom
Lee Bladon Limited