Lynne Stylianou-Jensen

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Parenting, Personal Coaching, Women’s Issues
HeartMath® Certified Mentor/Coach, HeartMath® Certified Trainer
HeartMath® Coach Mentor Program, HeartMath® Certified Trainer Program

I discovered HeatMath about 25 years ago when I was teaching 5th graders in an inner city setting. I was new to that age group and found the children’s needs to be overwhelming. After attending a HeartMath weekend training, I wanted to use the skills in my classroom and contacted HeartMath to ask more questions. That summer took a teacher level training for teaching HeartMath to kids.  I found that the kids loved learning about their hearts. It helped them to understand their feelings and to self-regulate difficult emotions during the school day. I was so impressed with the results that I took several more trainings and later incorporated the program as a part of my master’s thesis on, “The Benefits of Heart-Based Learning.”

Currently,  as a wife, mother, grandmother and former teacher, I continue to use the tools in my own life. I have found my heart to be my best resource for personal growth, healing and self-care. 

I became a HeartMath Provider in 2001 and later in 2011, a coach and a professional trainer in 2015.  I have been a member of HeartMastery and now Heart Ambassadors since 2011.


United States
Balanced Life Solutions