Michaela Conley

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Corporate Training, Education, Health Professionals

Michaela is a Lifestyle Medicine coach, consultant and entrepreneur based in beautiful Tucson, Arizona. Her areas of expertise include: lifestyle medicine, motivational interviewing, NeuroMeditation and human potential. Throughout her career she has consistently found new ways to bring people together to create unique approaches to evolving challenges. As such, she has founded multiple business enterprises including most recently State of Wellness, a professional training entity and Spot on Wellness, a consumer Lifestyle Medicine Service provider.

Michaela is well-known in the coaching, health education & promotion fields for creating connections and providing unbiased opportunities for expansive thinking. For example in 2008 she created Health Promotion LIVE, an early weekly webinar series featuring well-known subject matter experts from around the world.

Michaela is a Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach, American College of Lifestyle Medicine Diplomat (#0001), Master Certified Health Education Specialist, National Diabetes Prevention Program Master Trainer, Certified HeartMath Trainer and Certified NeuroMeditation instructor. Currently she serves as Program Director for Quantum University’s Quantum Coaching program and works with clients one on one and in groups to support their goals for living their best lives.

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United States
Michaela Conley, Training, Coaching & Consulting