Sandra Pettigrew

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Cancer, Health & Wellness, Personal Coaching
HeartMath® Certified Mentor/Coach, HeartMath® Certified Trainer
HeartMath® Coach Mentor Program, HeartMath® Certified Trainer Program

'Every life has a challenge - every heart has an answer'.  We each hold the answers to our own truth, health and happiness.  Sometimes we need help navigating the body, mind, soul to find that truth.  I'm a breast cancer survivor, mother, grandmother.  I have spent over forty years exploring inner truth and well being.  My mission is to pay forward all I have learned in this wonderful, crazy search.  I have experience as a Drug and Alcohol Counselor, Suicide Prevention Coordinator, 30+ years as a Massage Therapist. Heart Math has been a way to begin a deeper dive into the many approaches of spiritual discovery. Heart Math and then .......

United States
An Intrepid Heart