Tricia Sybersma

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So much has changed for myself and the world that I felt compelled to put aside my "story" and instead share that all our stories matter. What matters, even more, is how we experience our stories and the world around us. There are no stories too big or too small for HeartMath. The HeartMath Systems support us as we navigate our stories and create new ones from the heart. Thank you HeartMath
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Animals, Health & Wellness
HeartMath® Certified Mentor/Coach, HeartMath® Certified Trainer, HeartMath® Certified Trainer, HeartMath® Certified Trainer
HeartMath® Coach Mentor Program, HeartMath® Certified Trainer Program, Resilience Advantage™ HeartMath Certified Trainer Program, Coherence Advantage™ HeartMath Certified Trainer Program

"Tricia is an amazing HeartMath trainer. She lives what she teaches and has helped me to find inner balance. She gifted me with tools to overcome adversity through resilience, energy and awareness of the power of heart, mind, and spirit." Mary Gatschene RN

You too can find your inner balance! HeartMath Systems and techniques are quick, easy, and designed to use in the moment to shift into inner balance, coherence and so much more. Accessing the energy of our heart is not only life-changing as individuals but for the world. HeartMath found me +15 years ago during a time of intense healing and continues to be my lifeline in these changing times. HeartMath is the foundation and inspiration for my personal platform, Gratitude~Connection~Action. Visit my website and see all the ways to integrate HeartMath into your life. 

Cayman Islands
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George Town